Plantar muscles

Schematic illustration of muscles of the right foot.

Term name Layer
1 Abductor digiti minimi Layer 1
2 Abductor digiti minimi Layer 3
3 Abductor hallucis Layer 1
4 Sesamoid bones Layer 1
5 Sesamoid bones Layer 3
6 Sesamoid bones Layer 3
7 Flexor digitorum brevis Layer 1
8 Tendinous chiasm of the digital tendons Layer 1
9 Quadratus plantae; flexor accessorius Layer 2
10 Flexor hallucis longus Layer 2
11 Flexor hallucis longus Layer 3
12 Lumbricals Layer 2
13 Flexor digitorum longus Layer 2
14 Adductor hallucis Layer 3
15 Base Layer 3
16 Transverse head Layer 3
17 Medial head Layer 3
18 Lateral head Layer 3
19 Proximal phalanx Layer 3
20 Proximal phalanx Layer 3
21 Flexor hallucis brevis Layer 3
22 Oblique head Layer 3
23 Flexor digiti minimi brevis Layer 3
24 Medial cuneiform Layer 3